Top deal breakers for a home under contract and how to fix them

by Dwight Skyers

Top deal breakers for a home under contract and how to fix them

Your home is under contract, what’s next? Great news, you’ve put your dream home under contract and you’re excited to move in one day soon. That said, there’s a lot that has to happen before you can take occupancy: home inspection, appraisal, financing paperwork, contingencies and other requirements necessary to close. Here’s what you can expect to happen over the coming weeks. Due Diligence Now that the home is yours to negotiate exclusively with...

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Why you should wait to buy that car until after your home purchase?

by Dwight Skyers

Why you should wait to buy that car until after your home purchase?

Why you should wait to buy that car until after your home purchase Getting preapproved for a mortgage is a major step in buying a home. In fact, it’s a virtual necessity to secure a home in this market environment if you’re not paying cash. The great news is, when done properly, it’s like having cash in your hands so you can negotiate effectively with a seller to buy a home. It’s easily one of the most important things you can do in order to buy the home of your...

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What does a real estate agent actually do?

by Dwight Skyers

What does a real estate agent actually do?

What does a real estate agent actually do?   Being a real estate agent requires you to employ a significant number of skills to complete a variety of different tasks on a daily basis. Trying to put in one or two sentences what an agent does each day is virtually impossible to do. It would be like trying to tell you what a chef does — “cooks food” — or what a nurse does — “takes care of patients”. There’s a lot more that goes into what...

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How to get qualified to purchase a home for no money down

by Dwight Skyers

How to get qualified to purchase a home for no money down

How to get qualified to purchase a home for no money down Even with all the insanity that happened during the mortgage meltdown and all the changes that resulted in how money would now be lent to buyers, there are still some amazingly affordable loan programs out there. Included, believe it or not, no-money-down options for buying a home. Here are some of the best programs that are out there today and how you need to get qualified to purchase a home using them to buy a home for no money...

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How to get the home with the furniture included

by Dwight Skyers

How to get the home with the furniture included

How to get the home with the furniture included So you like the dining room table in the house you want to buy, but your agent tells you it’s not included with the sale. What do you do? In short, you ask for it. Well, you negotiate it as part of your offer to purchase the home from the seller. To effectively get the home you want with the furniture included, you should identify in advance any furniture that you are interested in buying and let the seller (or your agent) know...

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How much money will go into your pocket after your home is sold?

by Dwight Skyers

How much money will go into your pocket after your home is sold?

How much money will go into your pocket after your home is sold? It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that matters. This holds especially true when it comes to the sale of your home. The sales price you see at the top of the closing paperwork is rarely, if ever, the amount of money that ends up in your pocket as the seller. There are often a variety of costs and fees associated with getting a home sold, so it’s important that you understand exactly what you’re...

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How much should you offer on the home you fell in love with?

by Dwight Skyers

How much should you offer on the home you fell in love with?

  You’ve spent the last few months looking for a home and now the only thing that stands between you and having the right to negotiate full ownership of the home you fell in love with is preparing an offer that will be acceptable to the seller.   The purchase and sales agreement is the first formal communication that leads to the final deal and eventually a closing when it’s time for you to take ownership of the property.   The total agreement between...

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How to Find Bank Foreclosures and Distressed Sales

by Dwight Skyers

How to Find Bank Foreclosures and Distressed Sales

How to Find Bank Foreclosures and Distressed Sales Everyone wants a hot deal. For those who have the ability/desire to work with a home that is, in most cases, less than perfect, foreclosures and distressed sales represent some of the hottest deals out there If you want to locate distressed properties, the first thing you have to understand is that no one will usually advertise their home as a “distressed property” unless they are absolutely desperate to unload their home. Homeowners,...

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How to handle a multiple offer situation

by Dwight Skyers

How to handle a multiple offer situation

How to handle a multiple offer situation Over the last few years, buyer’s hunger for properties has been insatiable. As a result, properly priced homes were fetching multiple offers on a consistent basis. Though things have settled a bit recently, we’re still in a seller’s market, and that means the chance your listing will receive multiple offers on it is still very much a reality. But, as exciting as having a bidding war on your property is, it can also provide for...

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How to Sell Your Home Fast and for the Most Amount of Money

by Dwight Skyers

How to Sell Your Home Fast and for the Most Amount of Money

How to Sell Your Home Fast and for the Most Amount of Money The market has been moving at a pretty good clip over the last several years and it appears that things are going to stay that way for a while. According to the Case Shiller Home Price Index across the United States have increased roughly 45% over the last 5 years. Despite all of the amazing things that have been happening in virtually every market across the country, including ours, one thing still rings true no matter...

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